Session 5

The following Blog will be on creating a Lesson plan.

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Scenario for the Lesson Plan
I'm a teacher at  a  High School teaching Life Orientation to Grade 9 pupils.
The topic for the next lesson is: ''What are the effects of having a baby whilst being a student in High School''. 
There are approximately 30 students in my class. 
The class is made up of both genders.

Topic: Sexuality - Relationships and sex: The consequances of having an unexpected pregnancy during High School.

 Learning outcomes:
1. Students will be able to recognize that a given scholarly work may not represent the only - or even the majority-perspective on the issue.
2. Students will be able to identify the contribution that particular articles, books and other scholarly pieces make to disciplinary knowledge.
3. Students will be able to critically evaluate contribution made by others in participatory information environments.

 Activity One: Role-play of the topic
 Image result for role play
> Meet and greet the students.
> Conduct a 'check-in' session with how the students are doing and acknowledge their feelings, by engaging with them in reflecting of their thoughts and feellings and paying a keen interest.
> Relate to them the purpose of the session by explaining what the topic is.
> The class will then be divided into 6 groups of 5 students each. Each group will discuss how they would relate the topic to an actual event and then play it out in a role-play. The role-play will be 10 minutes each and everyone in the group must participate.
> Allow the 6 groups to complete their role-play sessions.
> Then ask the students questions regarding what they have learnt from the role-plays.
> Summarise the feedback given by the students.

Activity Two: Writing an essay on the topic

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> Explain to the class what the purpose of the session is.
> Ask them to conduct a researched essay on the topic, where they have to visit a clinic and read up on books in the library about the topic. 
> The essay should highlight the pro's and cons on the subject matter. Included in the essay, they should reflect on what they have learnt.
> Hereafter they will present their findings on a chart to the group.

Activity Three: Guest speakers-Nurse and lady that had a child whilst being in High School

 Image result for guest speakers on sexuality
> Meet and greet the students
> Conduct a 'check-in' session with how the students are doing and acknowledge their feelings, by engaging with them in reflecting of their thoughts and feellings and paying a keen interest.
>  Introduce the topic to the students.
> Introduce the nurse and lady to the students.
> Relay to the students that the nurse will speak to them about the consequances of having unprotected sex.
> Relay to the students that the lady will speak about her challenges  that she endured whilst having to care for a child and still being a student and what her experiences were like.

Knowledge Practice
 Activity One: The students will see what other students' view point on the topic is by acting out what they believe are the consequences. The discussions after the role-play will allow the students the opportunity to critically evaluate the said consequences. By doing so, this will contribute to their knowledge production and make positive choices about their relationships with their partner. Here the will also understand that a dialogue is also an information source.
 Image result for role play

Activity Two: Students will gather information from various sources such as  authors of journals and books as well as encyclopedia's that will assist the students to draw conclusions from all these points of references. Here they will critically evaluate the sources from books and journals. They will also see be able to critically evaluate the what the other students have mentioned in this information sharing session.
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Activity Three: Students will consult with professionals and gather information from experts in the field, from which they can learn from. This will motivate the students to not repeat the same mistakes as others and to change their lifestyle. Here they will engage with the professionals and be able to cite that information.
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The students will engage with each other to share and contribute to knowledge formation and draw their opinions in order to make sound choices. They are allowed the platform to express what their morals and values are and also maintain respect to others whom might not share similar values. They will learn to voice their opinions and to respect others' as well. They will improve their research skills as well as writing skills in the search for information. Here they will be able to discern and evaluate the accuracy of the information they seek. They will be able to identify the conflicting ideas on a topic and not just take everything as being correct. They will engage in conversation with professionals and practice listening skill such responding appropriately.

   Image result for clever students


  1. The idea of a play is a great way for students to put their knowledge into practice! Great idea

  2. Excellent Soemyha.... Very good activities that enhance the understanding of the Frame. You were however, supposed to mention the knowledge practices as well in your learning outcomes.

  3. This is great idea Soemyha, students will understand it better when putting it into practice.


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