Session 4

Image result for scholarship as a conversation
 Todays post will focus on answerring three main questions.

They are as follows:
1. What do you understand by scholarship as a conversation?
It refers to the academic world where researchers cite other researchers work in their research. In this manner it takes on the form of a conversation between all the authors discussing academic content. The nice thing about this conversation is that even though the individual that's been cited lived a couple of hundred years ago, this person is alive in this conversation. It brings together different academic researchers work alive in this conversation. This converstaion then in turns can be discussed across time and space. One academic author can be residing in Japan and the other in Brazil, they could still be alive or have passed on already but their work is still relevant when they are being cited by another author. 
In these scholarly conversations ideas are debated, created and weighed against one another over time and spaces. Information creators and users comes together to discuss meaning with the rsearchers just adding on to its meaning. Who knows in time, other researchers would then have a scholarly conversation by citing that author in their academic writings.

Image result for scholarship as a conversation
The above post shows individuals that are separated by time and space but comes together in a scholarly converation where they are discussing ideas with each other in their academic work

2. Can you think of any examples where you practice this concept either in your workplace or as a student?
I have certainly used this concept in both my work space and as a student.
Student - As a student I have been handed many asssignments in my course work where I have cited different authors on a particulair subject. I would then draw the meaning of the different authors together and go on yo draw my own conclusion.
Work - I have had to conduct many workshops related to negative social issues such as substance abuse, bullying and abuse against children. In these workshops I would qoute the work of different authors in order to braoden the group members knowledge about the topic of the workshop. For example, when I was facilitating a workshop on bullying, I spoke about the work done by other authors on the topic of bullying. 

Image result for facilitating a workshop
 The above picture is a representation of a facilitator that is talking about a topic that has been thrroughly researched. In this manner the authors work of the said topic is mentioned in the group and in this manner a scholarly conversation has taken place

3. How may this concept be enhanced in learners?
I remember as a student in our Tutorial groups, we had to come prepared to these classes by having researched a certain topic. The facilitator world then discuss the topic and divide us into different groups where we had to criticalle debate the issue. In this manner, we were challenged to truelly understand the topic, as we had to debate vigarously between ourselves. At the end of the session, I was left feelling truely enlightened about the said topic, more so if we didn't debate about it. It was interesting to hear the other students perspective on the topic and at some times I felt a bit debilitated but this helped me improve my supporting argument and helped me become more confident to state my own opinions and in this manner I felt more motivated to work harder.
 Image result for debate club
The above picture represents two students, whom are debating a topic.


  1. Well done Soemyha. Apart from a few obvious spelling mistakes, I think that you do grasp the core understanding of this Frame.


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