Session 7

Authority is Constructed and Contextual
 Image result for Authority is Constructed and Contextual
 Today's blog will focus on creating a Lesson Plan for the Framework - Authority is Constructed and Contextual

What is meant by 'Authority is Constructed and Contextual' 
In essence it refers to the recognition that information resources are drawn from their creators’ expertise and credibility based on the information need and the context in which the information will be used. Experts view authority with an attitude of informed skepticism and an openness to new perspectives, additional voices, and changes in schools of thought.

Scenario for the Lesson Plan: I am a First year lecturer in the Faculty of Arts in the Department of History at the University of Utah

Topic: The effects of an Apartheid South Africa

Learning Outcomes
1. Students should be able to define different types of authority such as subject expertise (Scholarship),society position (public office or title), or special experience (participating in an historical event.
2. Use markers of authority to determine the credibility of sources.
3. Recognise that authoritative content may be packaged formally or informally and may include   audio, visual and non-print source

Materials required:
> Students must have a student card to acces the library to locate books, printed journal articles and newspapers
 > Pen and paper
> Copy of the CRAAP Test Worksheet.
> Access to the internet

Activity 1
> Meet and greet  the students.
> Introduce the topic to the students.
> The students will be divided into groups of 5 containg 4 members each in the group.
> Relay to the students that they should find different authorities on the said topic by accessing, one book written on the topic by an individual whom has written about his/her experiences, 1 journal article and 1 newspaper artcile.
> The students will then have to identify what types of authority each are and justify their answer.

Image result for apartheid south africa 

Activity 2: 
> Meet and greet the students.
> Introduce the topic for the session today.
> The students will be divided into groups of 5 containg 4 members each in the group.
> The groups will all receive a list of different sources on the said topic.
> As a group they are expected to critique and evaluate the different sources by using the CRAAP scale by focussing on the currency, relevance, authority, accuracy and purpose of the sources.

Image result for craap scale

Activity 3:
> Meet and greet the students.
> Introduce the topic for the session today.
> Students will be receive a list of sources on the topic from the following social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, a Youtube clip as well as books, printed journal articles and newspaper articles. Here they are will compare and contrast the different sources and their content and come to understand that all these sources can be credible but that the authority of the information sources may vary.

Relation to Knowledge Practices

Image result for activity one

This activity will enable students to identify the different types of authoritative sources of information.

Image result for activity one 
This activity will enable students to know how to evaluate different sources informationin terms of their currency, credibilty, relevancy, authority, accuracy and purpose.

Image result for activity three
This activity will enable students to note that different formats of information can all be credible.  


  1. Very good Soemyha. You have captured the essence of this Frame.


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