Session 9

Information Creation as a Process

Information can be presented and displayed in any and all sorts of formats for the purpose of spreading information to others. In order to use and cite this information found on these formats, one must be weary of the credibility of the cited source. 

The research topic: The effects of Euthanasia on the bereaved family and friends in Cape Town.

Instruction 1: Results for the thorough search on finding information on the topic are as follows

Peer reviewed journals relating to the research topic

Swarte, N.B., Van Der Lee, M.L. and Van Der Bom, J. 2003. “Effects of euthanasia on the bereaved family and friends: a cross sectional study” BMJ:327:189

John R. J. 2001. “Is Suicide Bereavement Different? A Reassessment of the Literature. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior” Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 91-102.

These journal have been  peer reviewed and therefore I can cite them in my academic research
Legislation Reports
The South African Law Commission. 1998. Project 86: Euthanasia and the artificial preservation of life. Pretoria: South African Law Commission

The commission of assisted dying. 2012. “The current legal status of assisted dying in inadequate and incoherent…?” Demos: London

Autsralian Human Rights Commission. “Euthanasia, Human rights and the law”. Sydney
These legislation reports have been commissioned by organisations that have been selected as experts in their fields.

Online newspapers

These online newspapers are from credible news informants. I can use it in my research as they are credible newspapers.
Online academic databases
Scan, M. 2017. “Legalisation of assisted suicide and euthanasia: foundational issues and implications”BYU Journal of public law: Vol.31, No.2, pp.333-394

Benjamin, S. 2017. “An ethical analysis of Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide: rejecting euthanasia and accepting physician accepted suicide with palliative care”. Journal of Legal Medicine: Vol.37, No.2., pp. 155-166

Lipuma, S.H. 2013. “Continuos sedation until death as physician-assisted suicide: a conceptual analysis.” Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: Vol.38, No.: 2, pp.190-204
The online academic databases are credible because they are for academic research purposes.
< Dr Dominic Wilkinson, Director of Medical Ethics at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, explores the ethical issues surrounding euthanasia and asks whether it should be made legal

This podcasts was found on the web page for the Oxford University. This university is well known to be an accredited research institution therefor I can use it in my research.

Instruction 2: Converting 3 of the source formats into new formats: 

I will convert the online newspaper article of  the New York times named 
""Should I Help My Patients Die" written by Jessica Nutik Zittler, into a blog format.
The blog address for this is:

I will convert the online academic database article of Lipuma. S. H. "Continuos sedation until death as physician-assisted suicide: a conceptual analysis" into a slideshare presentation.
 The presentation is avaialble on

Three: I will convert the online newsaper article of "Life Support withdrawal cases no longer need court approval after landmark ruling into a twitter account
The twitter address is


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