Extension to Session One

1. What is the difference between Bibliographic Instruction and Information Literacy?
> Bibliographic Instruction (BI) also known as Library Instruction refers to all the activities involved in teaching users/patrons how to make the best possible use of the library resources, services and facilities, including formal and informal instruction delivered by a librarian in a group setting or one-on-one sesssions. The aim is  to teach the patrons how to us the library effectively and independently.

Image result for library
 The above patrons at this libray seems to be making effective use of the library's resources independently

> Information literacy is as a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information. It is important for today's learners, as it promotes problem solving approaches and thinking skills - asking questions and seeking answers, finding information, forming opinions, evaluating sources and making decisions for fostering successful learners, effective contributors, confident individuals and responsible citizens.
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The above comic strip sites the disdvanatge of not being Information literate.

The difference between the two concepts is that Bibliographic Instruction teaches the patrons on how to use the library where as Information Literacy teaches patrons to critically analyse the information that they are seeking.

2. What key factors have led to the evolution of the teacher librarian's role over the decades?

Image result for evolution of teacher librarians

  This is an era of change brought about by the introduction of informational technologies. Teacher-librarians have come along way from the time when they were considered caretakers of the book collection. Now they are information providers, consultants, curriculum activists, instructional designers, instructional leaders, production specialists and most important, teachers. Some agents of change are closely interrelated such as economic, employment, technological, and instructional trends.  Economic trends impact employment.  Employment trends in turn impact technology.  Employment and technology trends likewise, have a serious impact on education and instruction.  The economic trends that have brought changes to the role of the teacher-librarian include reduced budgets at a time of increased costs for both resources and personnel.  As well, there is a declining teacher-librarian/pupil ratio at a time of increased demand for expertise in electronic information retrieval. There are many technological trends that impact the job of the teacher-librarian.  The automation of the library, the use of CD-ROM’s and the Internet have dramatically changed the role of the teacher-librarian, making their job more demanding. The use of technology has placed increased demand on teacher-librarians’ time to teach information technology, to learn new technologies, to troubleshoot, and to learn which Internet resources can assist students and teachers.
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Bibliographic intrsuction ....
The above has got me thinking on how Bibliographic Instruction was used at the library where I volunteered at Tafelsig Library. The staff often had group sessions with the patrons in which they wre taught on how to use the library's services more effectively and this is how I expanded on my own knoweledge base. The experience was really fun, scary and exciting as well.

Information literacy ..... 
When I was still doing my undergraduate studies at the University of Cape Town a decade and a half ago, we had a module called DOH 101-TEXT IN CONTEXT - this course assisted the learners on the concept of how to think critically and to always have our thinking caps on whenever we came into contact with information.

Teacher librarians ....
I think that they are very important to libraries because without them the patrons would not be able to use the library effectively and in this manner they would ultimately not want to use their services any longer and then libraries would become redundant. They act as a mediator between the patrons and the library staff in order to gain a win-win situation.


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